Samara Blue - My Way Of Art
Digital art I Creative photography & documentation I Lost Place I Street art
Pines 19 - #Raster1
Ben Mathis
Kiefernstrasse 19 is adorned with a façade that appears geometrically constructed in various shades of green, which spontaneously made me think of a tartan pattern when looking at it. Of course I wanted to know how on earth does one go about painting a house in this admittedly awesome pattern. Well, Ben Mathis enlightened me in a relaxed telephone interview on June 21: This is a typical "The Herrmann Grid", a classic optical illusion. A highly interesting topic that would take too long to explain here, but is excellently suited for such a large -scale mural.
If you like, you can follow the link and be fooled ;-) - Read more (...)
"Das Problem ist, du glaubst du hast Zeit. (Buddha 563 - 483 v.Chr.) - Achtsam mit seinem Leben umgehen und mit dem der anderen ... ... mein vorweg genommenes Fazit dieser eindrucksvoll schlichten Fassade. Hier sieht man sehr gut, wie Ben Mathis die Besonderheiten des Hauses in sein Gesamtkunstwerk mit eingebunden hat.
"Manchmal lohnt es sich, die Perspektive zu wechseln und die Probleme des Alltag mit leicht schrägem Humor zu nehmen." (Samara Blue)
Das Tüpfelchen auch den i .. "Raster #" 2006 Kunst am Bau - Ben Mathis Im Auftrag und unter Mitarbeiter der Bewohner des Hauses .. - Das Türschild :-)
"Das Problem ist, du glaubst du hast Zeit. (Buddha 563 - 483 v.Chr.) - Achtsam mit seinem Leben umgehen und mit dem der anderen ... ... mein vorweg genommenes Fazit dieser eindrucksvoll schlichten Fassade. Hier sieht man sehr gut, wie Ben Mathis die Besonderheiten des Hauses in sein Gesamtkunstwerk mit eingebunden hat.
This facade has an interesting history, as Ben Mathis also explains to me:
The original plan was to design only the first floor. But then the city had completely scaffolded the house and Ben and the residents did not want to miss this opportunity. So a new plan was needed. In the planned design, there was not enough color for the entire facade. With the support of Klaus von Ilusta, an elderly artist who coordinated the cooperation with the cultural office, the SWD and the artists, a slimmed-down version was agreed, which is now shown in different colored pixels. If the internet is to be believed, Mr. von Ilusta still lives at Kiefernstraße 19 and has already helped with the design of houses 1-5. The residents asked for the floating Buddha in return, so to speak, for the fact that the entire facade could now be painted. Ben Mathis actually didn't want it at all, but I think he's managed another great paradox here. A merging of things that don't really belong together. A popular stylistic device of Ben Mathis, which he has acquired in his interesting artistic career.
It is not surprising that the perfectionist Ben Mathis took into account the architectural features of the house, such as the pillars, in his design to attract the public. He prefers to work minimalistically, Ben chatted on the phone. As mentioned above, he likes the paradox, the apparently opposite. Here the rigid, correct grid, on the other side the floating Buddha, who may stand for a free spirit. The red dots connected the Buddha to the house, grounded it so to speak, so that it would not float unsupported in free space.
According to Ben, such a grid requires relatively little color. He needed 2-3 buckets of primer and 40-50 spray cans for the grid and the Buddha. So this impressive project could be realized with relatively rudimentary means in about 2 weeks. When I asked what pattern one needs for such an event, he explained that the whole thing was quite simple: he used a 70 x 100 cm template. If this were placed accurately, the painting can actually be done quite well in successive work steps.
Again got to know a new technique of street art. I believe that there are 1001 interesting options for facade design and I am excited to see which ones I can get to know next.
Krefeld, June 21
Sources:thedorf.de,40grad-urbanart.de, benmathis.de,Telephone interview with Ben Mathis June 21
SamaraBlue - MyWayOfArt/lady-sahmra-photo@gmx.de