Samara Blue - My Way Of Art
Digital art I Creative photography & documentation I Lost Place I Street art
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- Cuboliquido - I | My Way of Art I Urbexart
Street art - Cuboliquido/Italy "My heart is all yours " return Anfang Honigwabe youtube Facebook * Homepage* Instagram Artistic interplay or the joy of the little things in life.(...) Artist information Cuboliquido Cuboliquido tells that since the 16th century, Italian street painters have been roaming the country to attract people's attention with expressive, sacred pictures in front of the churches. Since the materials used, such as chalk and pastel, were very perishable due to the weather, it has only been possible to preserve these images for posterity since the invention of photography. It's easier for the cheerful robot at the entrance to the silk weaver's house. For the time being, its preservation is assured, even if it patiently bears the rubbish of "forgetful" contemporaries. Anamorphic street painting has also been finding its way into Italy for about 20 years. This 3D chalk art, now also known as 3D street painting, greatly enhances street painting, producing extremely realistic moments. The viewer is automatically drawn into a lifelike scene, most impressively when paying attention to the specific point from which the image must be viewed. For his (Heart)ly robot, cuboliquido combined his passion for robots with 3D painting. He is often inspired by everyday objects that he perceives in his environment. They can then playfully combine the everyday with/to urban art. Here in Krefeld, two old, demolished mailboxes were the starting point for a funny robot. Source:, Wikipedia, * * * Cuboliquido was born in Milan in 1974. He has lived from his art since 1992 and in 1994 he discovered his passion for street art. First as a graffiti artist and later as a traditional Madonnari artist (street painting of traditional Madonna images and religious motifs with pastel chalk). Today, two of his Madonnari artworks are on display in a basilica in Bethlehem and in Mexico City. Since 2009 he has particularly focused on anamorphic 3D street painting and has participated in many international street art festivals, where he has won numerous awards. He has presented his paintings across Europe, in Russia, in the USA, Latin America, Thailand, China, in the Middle East and in South Africa. He has worked for many well-known companies such as Disney, Universal Cinema, Amazon, Coca Cola, Samsung, Unilever, Warner Bros and many more. To date he has taken part in over 200 events of various kinds as a street painter. He is the first artist to combine 3D street painting with animated videos (video mapping) and his work has already been shown at three different art biennials and other contemporary art exhibitions. He was awarded the title of Maestro Madonnaro in Grazie di Curtatone and won first prize in the world's most important competition for 3D street art in Dubai in March 2017. Source: official city informationKrefeld created by Freddart,de You can find the newspaper article here: (...) Add comment: (...) Did you like this report? Feel free to leave a comment :-). Info cuboliquido SamaraBlue - MyWayOfArt/ Continue
- Lost Place I Haus am Park | Urbexart
Lost Place - house at the park return An old, abandoned place, unfortunately far too little time to be able to photograph all the furniture and memorabilia left behind. It was an exciting adventure nonetheless. You can find the complete story here: (...) Die Augen noch geblendet von der Sonne treten wir direkt in den Wohnraum ein. Einen Flur gibt es offensichtlich nicht. Eine unwirkliche Atmosphäre aus zartem Sonnenlicht und feinem Staub umfängt mich. Halbdunkles Licht gibt die Sicht auf altdeutschen Wohnungsschick frei. Die Küche - ein Chaos. Leider ein mittlerweile typisches Ambiente für einen derartigen Lost Place ... Ein rotes Herz am Fenster, einst liebevolle Küchendekoration. Ausgerissene Schranktüren geben den Blick frei auf einen Wochenvorrat an üblichen Grundnahrungsmitteln. Zurück gelassen ... Durch trübe Fensterscheiben zeugen ramponierte Gartenmöbel und Überreste von vielen Blumentöpfen von früherem Gartenleben. Schwere, dunkle Wohnzimmerschränke, ein Barfach mit nahezu vollständigem Gläserbestand, verstaubt, ordentlich aufgestellt ... Wenig zurück gelassenes Blümchengeschirr, Videokassetten, eine wunderschöne, alte, verstaubte Puppe ... ... vergessene Einnerungen, war sie das Lieblingsspielzeug eines kleinen Mädchens oder eine Sammlerstück? Stumm ... An der Decke eine einsame Lampe, wahrscheinlich waren die ehemaligen Bewohner einmal stolz auf ihre Erungenschaft. Da, auf dem Sideboard, mein Higlight des Tages. Familienfotos, fast alle in schwarz-weiß ... Scheinbar sorgfältig aufgestellt, einige schon sehr alt, unterschiedliche Menschen, unterschiedliche Mode, so vielfältige Erwartungen an das Leben ... In der Mitte ein strahlender junger Mann, offensichtlich stolz, fotografiert zu werden. Was mag aus ihm geworden sein? Schon im Weitergehen noch mal den Blick über das Chaos auf dem Sidebord schweifen lassen, die traurige Unordnung ausblenden, das Lächeln des Jungen im Gedächnis behaltend. Die kleine Schwester der leicht kitschigen Deckenlampe, meiner Oma hätte sie gefallen ... Schade, dass ich gerade das Tele auf meiner Kamera habe und keine Zeit das Objektiv zu wechseln, keine wirklich guten Bilder ... Das Gästebad mit Trittleiter, noch Fragen? Ein kurzer nachdenklicher Rückblick, wehmütige Gedanken, was man noch alles hätte herausfinden können z.b. an dieser Pinnwand ... The Park House - The Story On a weekend in summer, the three of us spontaneously decided to go on a Lost Place tour. It was supposed to be this unobtrusive apartment building in the nearby Eifel, standing empty for decades, hardly known and not spoiled. * A colleague wanted to get to the back of the house through extensive gardens and let us in through the front door. I didn't want to know more... * Then he sits on a nearby wall, the dog seems to know this, and... actually does nothing, he just lies there. Is that so good? We just want to look. We do that too and stroll into the adjoining very pretty park. Strange is the man with the dog who comes towards us and looks us up and down, after all we were wearing robust hiking clothes. Well, let's take a look at the situation, maybe find a parking space right in front of the house. * "No, that's not good at all." says our gut feeling. "Let's get out of here and at least find another parking space." After we found it and delivered the local colleague to the appropriate fence, the two of us start a leisurely walk to the park. I devotedly photograph the cozy atmosphere, my partner keeps an eye out for the same gentleman. Everything very relaxed. Still ... * The two of us split up and try to keep an eye on this gentleman. Together again we are stopped by a passing postman and asked what we are doing here, he would have already seen such photo people today?!? Ok, I showed him the photos on the camera. He probably liked these, he now tells us trusting and very vivid stories from the area, about the country and its people, the water table and everything else that people don't want to know. * When passing the object of desire, the front door suddenly opens. The colleague has obviously successfully completed her tour through the undergrowth and can open the front door from the inside. So, against my better conviction, I enter the house without any action on my part, so completely innocent. I like human encounters... In the meantime, the attentive citizen seems to have disappeared. Relatively relaxed, I do one more lap. * While we let the atmosphere sink in, the message comes from the third party that the good citizen is probably on his balcony. An unreal atmosphere of sunlight and dust surrounds me. Half-dark light reveals the old German chic of the apartment. The very own spirit of this spot captivates me immediately. It's jumbled and untidy, but nothing messed up or smudged. What might have prompted the former residents to flee so quickly? * Ok, our man outside stays outside. We try to take some photos quickly. But first: where is the escape route? Well, bathroom with stepladder and there should be a ladder outside. That seems doable. What to do?!? It's really a pity to have to get hectic now. * Where should I start? Little time and little experience with the situation, no time to change the lens, bad light. A completely normal job description of an Urbexer. * After a few hectic attempts to photograph the facility, I discovered these photos. Old family photos, black and white, bright people, loving memories, that's exactly what inspires me. Just don't try it for a long time, hold the camera on it and pull the trigger. Then quickly on to the stairs. There should be several floors. What treasures can be discovered there... * It's a pity that I can't handle it so well with the little light. Take another deep breath and try it again from the beginning, try it with a flash... Nice, it works better. Stupid that you can probably see flashing lights from outside through not fully closed blinds ... * Searching the rest of the lower floor, I am reluctant to part from this sight. * But we wanted at least one more flight of stairs up... * A quick look back to the apartment door, in the setting sun everything looks so peaceful too.... * The colleague comes running, excitedly grabbing her equipment. "There's someone at the door. They want in, we should open it..." Needless to say: "We should have ;-)" Oops, where was the escape route... But as it is in such situations, appearances can be deceptive. * Backpack on, camera wrapped around my neck, monopod dragging behind me. Don't feel sorry for the equipment, it's fun :-). It's been a while since the last relay race at school. Windows open, a bit small, but ok. But where the hell is the promised ladder? Well, a good 1m next to the window. I can't do it that fast. A look down: 2m? This is faster. So fell out the window, jump. No, thorn bushes have never bothered me either. * Only the colleague knows the way. She also supports me diligently from behind, where I should turn, preferably a little faster. Interesting what big and overgrown backyard gardens such a city has. Short stop, the camera in the backpack. It has to be that much time, the old Nikon can't do anything about it. Quick check, everything there, nothing broken and no one follows us. A few more steps and we are at the final fence. I can still do this, albeit with a lot of shaky knees. Well, what can I say, it was cool... Info Haus am Park Add comment: (...) Did you like this report? Feel free to leave a comment :-). SamaraBlue - Continue
- DAZ I Playing Monochrome | My Way of Art
Soulful-minds - black & white return Without Color - Black & White - Achromatic A special type of photography, including digital photography. Real color brightness nuances are reduced to shades of grey. But does this really mean less image, less statement, less feeling? My path through digital decolourization. Unlike my father, who still walked this path in his cellar, I use the media available to me. Contrary to my original intention, however, not the Ki ;-). Be mine tonight ... The Devil is me Hinter Masken/Behind Masks Steampunk Children's Fantasies Tanzende Schleier in der Nacht - Dancing veils in the night Blick zurück/Look back Auge um Auge?/An eye for an eye Life is a game A promise in the mirror Honest In Memoriam - Auf der Suche/On search Memories Standing in the rain Not alone Bad Girls - From human to human Little Witch Not longer World Savior Pain BNW feat. the Color Red/Be You BNW feat. the Color Red/Unperfection BNW feat. the Color Red/Ying & Yang 1 I Yin & Yang - Surrealism 3 I Yin & Yang - Love 2 I Yin & Yang - Inside I also see this album as a kind of journey. A way of trying what is possible. A way of projects to put together certain topics. A path that should offer space and attention for inspiration and imagination. My monochrome gleam album ... Did you like these pictures? Happy to leave onecomment :-). SamaraBlue - Urbexart/
- DAZ I Just DAZ & Promos | My Way of Art
DAZ Studio - General and Promo Bilder zurück Promo Bilder I Art ©Samara Blue/Kerstin Ellinghoven Elna Fairy - Fee der Vergänglichkeit Elna Fairy - Fee der Vergänglichkeit Elna Fairy - Fee der Vergänglichkeit Ein Spaziergang im Wald/A Walk in the Wood Meine Zeit/My Time Folge deinem Engel/Follow your Angel Hailey ©3DLoki I Art ©Samara Blue Hailey ©3DLoki I Art ©Samara Blue Hailey ©3DLoki I Art ©Samara Blue Valentina©3DLoki I Art ©Samara Blue Valentina©3DLoki I Art ©Samara Blue Valentina©3DLoki I Art ©Samara Blue I recently had the opportunity to create promo images for a digital artist. Find also here: Rendersosity: SamaraBlue's Galerie auf Renderosity Renderhub: 3D Render Gallery by Samara Blue at RenderHub Krefeld im April 2024 Weiter Just DAZ - Giving pictures a home Young Fashion Young Fashion Young Fashion Young Fashion Young Fashion Young Fashion Young Fashion Young Fashion Young Fashion Young Fashion Young Fashion Young Fashion Young Fashion Young Fashion Young Fashion Young Fashion Young Fashion Young Fashion Young Fashion Young Fashion Young Fashion Young Fashion Young Fashion Young Fashion Young Fashion Young Fashion Young Fashion Young Fashion Young Fashion Young Fashion All images that cannot be assigned to a specific DAZ gallery will be found here. Did you like these pictures? Please leave a comment SamaraBlue - Urbexart/
- Tiberio Mazzochi | Urbexart
Tiberio Anfang street art - Tiberio Mazzocchi/Italy "Coyote " return youtube Facebook * Instagram Beuys, an Indian, a coyote, more Indians? What might these creatures have in common? Artist info (...) Tiberio Infos Annotation : With this artist, too, one can see that he understood the difficult situation of the people on the theater square and that it depresses him, that he considers a visual representation to be necessary, even essential. The title comes from the artist himself. Artist information Tiberio Mazzoccchi Tiberio: "KOJOTE Street Art work made in KREFELD (Germany) July 2021freehand drawing Beuys' most emotional performance: In 1974 the artist was locked in a cage with a coyote in New York for several days. He only has a felt blanket and a stick, which he describes as "Eurasian". Beuys' goal was to establish a relationship of trust between himself and the animal, a symbol of reconciliation between man and nature, but the work can also be read in a political sense, as a rite of reconciliation between modern-day Americans and their persecuted ancestors and imprisoned on reservations, symbolized by the captive coyote. In my work entitled "COYOTE" I wanted to draw a parallel to Beuys' work and his political message: the marginalization of Native Americans. So I saw that things have not improved to this day.... the people who routinely roam this place called "The Silk Factory" are vagabonds, desperate, drug addicts.... Marginalized and forgotten by society, just like the Native American tribes of North America were persecuted and marginalized." Source: Tiberio Mazzochi FB page/personal * * * Tiberio is a Maestro Madonnaro and musician who studied art and music in Milan. He plays classical guitar and violin and has enchanted audiences with street paintings at festivals in Italy, Germany and the USA. He has won numerous prizes and awards. He received the title of Maestro Madonnaro in Grazie di Curtatone in 2017, after having already won the categories Semplici (Easy Madonnari) in 2013, and Qualificati (Qualified Madonnari) in 2017 with first place. He also won the audience award as the highest award at the International Madonnari Festival Kevelaer in 2019. Source: official information from the city of Krefeld You can find the newspaper report here(... ) Add comment: (...) Did you like this report? Feel free to leave a comment :-). SamaraBlue - MyWayOfArt/ Continue
- Guys & VIPs | My Way of Art I Art I Samara Blue I Storytelling I Motivation I Inspiration I Samaras3Dart I Dreamtime I Digitalart
Soulful-Minds - DAZ Studio I Männer & VIPs zurück As the lords of creation have so far led a shadowy existence on my homepage, they now have their own gallery. The second gallery on this page will feature well-known stars and starlets. Guys, dudes, male beings And remember, ladies, the man is a gift from God! Pay homage and honor him ... ©Ralf Kohl Subculture - Male Portrait/Respekt, Akzeptanz, Toleranz Fühle meinen Schmerz Einsam und unvollständig JONAS - DER LETZTE BRIEF Unvergessen - Unforgettable BLIND PAIN VIPS - Very important Persons Weiter Stumbled across Sean Connery by chance, Amy Winehouse can be added later Special, famous people who will have their own gallery for the time being. We'll see if and how they fill it. At the End - Tanze einen letzen Tango mit mir In Memoriam - Auf der Suche/On search Geflogen, gestolpert, gefallen - Flown, stumbled, fallen Did you like these pictures? Please leave a comment :-). SamaraBlue - Urbexart/
- MalKarsten/Karsten Breidenbroich/Streetart/My Way of Art/Urbexart/Dreamtime
Seitenanfang Anfang MalKarsten Mehr MalKarsten Karsten Breidenbroich - MalKarsten return I just want to paint Anfang MalKarsten "Hi, you want to know something about "my Arab house" in the Kiefernstraße? With pleasure :-). Can I call you back tonight?" It was that easy to get in touch with Karsten Breidenbroich, the artist of the Kiefern 12. It then took a few days for the call to come about. In an open, relaxed conversation, Karsten not only told me about the "making off" of his house, but also a little about himself, his way of painting and the fact that he was born in Krefeld and lived there for many years before it pulled him to Düsseldorf on the other side of the Rhine. If you want to know a little more about MalKarsten, who went out to paint the world colorfully, take a lookhere: You can find the history of the origins of the "Arab House" in the picture gallery. Simply click on the pictures. Thanks also to the photographer Jürgen-Wintermantel-Menze, who accompanied Karsten in the design of "his" house in the Kiefernstrasse and allowed me to use his pictures for this report. A report that would not have come about without these pictures. Mehr MalKarsten Seitenanfang Anfang MalKarsten Mehr MalKarsten Karsten Breidenbroich, a multi-talent in multicolor "My own opinion, colors and daylight - that's important to me." says MalKarsten in an IInterview of the NiederRhein EDITION ONLINE. His smallest picture is 70 x 100 cm. "Someday I'll paint the whole world." In September 2016, he at least created an oversized image with the huge house facade at Kiefernstrasse 12. Karsten paints people and animals as well as abstract motifs. I could read in various interviews that he was difficult to reach. He wants to be found. Constant presence and availability are not his thing. You wouldn't just find his works on the World Wide Web at the push of a button, he'd rather pack up his works and drive to the interested party. Okay, that's what I thought. My real goal is to find out more about the artwork of the pine trees. Who painted what, why and when. Can't be that hard, I thought to myself. Almost every house has a sign with the name of the artist under the house number, I ask politely, maybe I'll be lucky. As mentioned above, with Karsten it was really easy. Unexpectedly comes often :-). So I was not only able to put together the "Making Off" of Kiefernstraße 12, but also learned some personal things and just had an interesting and friendly conversation with a special person. But who exactly is this MalKarsten, who you obviously like to meet in paint-splattered clothes? Born in 1972 and raised in Krefeld, Karsten Breidenbroich already excelled creatively in elementary school. In the musical field he started with a xylophone and later ended up with the guitar, which he obviously still enjoys playing today. In the course of growing up, it became clear to him that he wanted to turn his artistic talent into a profession. He first studied business administration at the Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences, then interior design, and after graduating he moved to Düsseldorf, where he worked with great enthusiasm in his learned profession as a freelance interior designer for 10 years. But then about 11 years ago his father fell ill with cancer. He accompanied him through this difficult time, got into brooding himself and recognized how important it is to let people who are important to you feel this and not to wait until it might be too late. Around at the same time, Karsten heard about Zombie Boy, a well-known Canadian performance artist and model, who also had to cope with a heavy blow of fate. Like his father, he suffered from cancer. After receiving the diagnosis, he would not only have modeled but gradually had his entire body tattooed. Six months later the cancer was gone. Impressive ... It was around this time that Karsten made the decision to retire from his regular working life and turn to art. Thankfully, his father had since recovered. Zombie Boy sadly passed away after falling from his balcony in August 2018. Karsten regrets not being able to meet him in person, but Zombie Boy liked his pictures on Facebook, one apparently the day before his death. Karsten's face, tattooed with a skull and crossbones, served as a template for one of his gloomy images. Soul mates among artists... Karsten Breidenbroich became MalKarsten , who obviously still wonders when he is approached in a Düsseldorf pub and asked for a photo together. MalKarsten is actually much better known than he realizes himself. One of the first headlines that struck me, , was that his clients would include Sylvester Stallone, Mickey Rourke, and Cher. So of course I got curious. Karsten says that he exhibited his paintings at a bar in his area, where a fashion designer from Fashion Week noticed him. His pictures should line the catwalk and he should paint jackets backstage. The fashion designer of Sylvester Stallone, who launched his fashion label "Sly Inc" in 2012, Silvia Fritz, impressed Karsten's works. Without further ado, she sent a few photos to Sly, who immediately phoned Karsten, invited him to LA and introduced him to the artist scene there. A jacket with Sly's likeness on it was a welcome consideration. It was of course a fascinating encounter for MalKarsten, although he admits that his heart was pounding. The fact that he was in LA on his 45th birthday of all times makes the trip all the more exciting. Nina Hagen, who had her birthday on the same day, was also present when the jacket was handed over to Sylvester Stallone. At the fashion week there, Karsten was able to enjoy all artistic freedom. Under the wing of Sly, he explored the LA art scene and embellished a number of clothes with his art. Sly gave Cher a second painting job. Jackets for Kate Perry, Mickey Rourke and Rolf Möller followed. Since the acrylic colors used are waterproof and washable at 40°, nothing stands in the way of the further production of individual designer pieces, just an original "MalKarsten", Not exactly cheap, but extraordinary, even for the normal citizens affordable. I especially love his paintings with the so vivid onesmonkey portraits . On Mother's Day 2021, Karsten visited the Krefeld Zoo to conduct studies on the nature of these interesting animals, as he frankly told me on the phone. I would be happy to come. Unfortunately, I was unable to accept this special invitation due to a private appointment, but this shows his openness towards his audience. ...and what inspires such an exceptional artist as Karsten from Düsseldorf ? Life itself, he says. With him everything sounds so simple, so unpretentious and yet his works are fascinating in so many different ways. Moving from one place to another he finds enough inspiration, he explains. Sometimes, sometimes not, but not that bad. Working out an image and its meaning by means of an attached text is not his thing. "If I want to say something, then I speak, the language is quite clear for that." This statement absolutely fascinates me, as it gives me the opportunity to focus more freely on a work of art. This is how MalKarsten became an insider tip not only in the US artist scene. Karsten lives on the 3rd floor of an old building in downtown Düsseldorf. This house has a beautiful courtyard and hall, once intended for the master students of the art academy. Originally 4 floors were used artistically, currently there are 2 floors. In addition to Karsten Breidenbroich, a close former employee of the Düsseldorf artist Jörg Immendorf lives there, while the other apartments are occupied by fellow citizens who are not artistically active. He paints his pictures in 3D, his feelings are intense. "Even covering a wooden frame with the canvas triggers a feeling of happiness in me. When I paint, I feel that I'm alive. At some point I'll paint the whole world." He has already painted his way to America, he will manage the rest. His first trousers decorated with splashes of color may have been a coincidence, but this colorful design has now become his trademark. Ultimately, that's exactly what makes him happy, says Karsten. The painting and not the money. Well, his unique pieces of clothing certainly make the ruble roll, but ultimately it translates back into color and material, creating new art and new joy. If money were the most important thing for him, he would paint it, he explained in an interview with Petra Verhasselt for the NiederRhein Edition online last year. His partner Spoo, also an artist, advertising specialist and communication designer sums it up. The money earned is only an "intermediate medium", without which artistic work is not possible. After all, canvas and paint don't grow on trees. But the art that Karsten creates is imperishable, it is eternal. The appreciation that people have for his art is the most important factor for Karsten. He makes it clear that the established art market, for example, doesn't really matter to him. He paints, and that's good. He also paints for you and me, a wall, a t-shirt, talk to him, it will be a special experience worth every penny. Spontaneously I can think of a saying that is attributed to Albert Einstein: "Creativity is intelligence having fun." I have nothing more to add :-). Krefeld, June 2021 Sources/items: 1. Telephone interview Samara Blue 05/17/2021 2.Interview Blog&Art from February 17th, 2020 3. NiederRhein Edition Online 02/2019, Text: Petra Verhasselt Add comment: (...) Did you like this report? Feel free to leave a comment :-). SamaraBlue - MyWayOfArt/
- SM/Dark Side of Life/My Way of Art/Urbexart/Dreamtime/Samaras3dart/Lyrics/Gothic
soulful minds/dark side of life Of the darkness in people's souls return 1. The Devils little sisters (... ) * 2. Dark Art (... ) * 3. Post Apocalyptic Vibes (... ) Devils little sisters 1.The Devils little Sisters Gothic, Punk & other Subcultures Vibes Subculture refers to deviations of subgroups in a society. These can be expressed in mere modification, i.e. the external representation, through to clear counter-positions. ( ... ) The devils little Sister - It´s my life Devils little sister - Dragon Priestess Devils little Sister - Dragon Priestess Der Teufel bin ich Viktorianisches Kindermädchen zu Halloween Die Wahrheit Woody B. and the crows VERZWEIFLUNG - Wo bist du? REBECCA - LOST LOVE Dark Art In this gallery, the enigmatic is intended to refer in particular to women with an (imagined) affinity to the dark side. This imagined mindset is particularly reflected in clothing, stance, attitude and fashion. More or less pronounced tattoos, jewelry, etc. also illustrate this. The coloring of the situation and the individual figures is ultimately up to the viewer's imagination ;-) 2. Dark Art - Morbido Weiter When darkness takes hold of the human imagination People often react very intensely to the horror genre. Like children who read their first scary stories with a flashlight and a blanket, they seem to be drawn to the morbid, the unimaginable, the (... ) Dunkel Liebe/Dark Love Ein letzter Blick Woody B. and the crows Spiel mir das Lied der ewigen Liebe Ein NEIN reicht aus! Rette mich The Monster inside Das Grauen ist überall Wer ist hier Gut und wer ist Böse? Nicht Sehen Die Schöne und das Biest? Nicht Hören VERZWEIFLUNG - Wo bist du? HOFFNUNG - Ich finde dich VERTRAUEN - Du und ich auf ewig MASQUERADE/Wenn die Maske fällt DOLORES - RosesAreRed ISEBELLE - DAS TIER IN MIR EVE - ENTRÜMPELN Nicht Sprechen Blue Moon - Fallen Angel Mein Teufel und ich My Kind of Thinking Abgestürzt I Verloren I Vergessen? Die Wahrheit Dark Art weiter lesen dark things. Because in the knowledge that evil, the gruesome, only happens in their imagination, it cannot become personally dangerous to people. Dealing with these topics is a bit like playing with fire. Everyone has their own particular scary fantasies. And so everyone decides for themselves how much space they give to their own dark fantasies. Apocaliptic vibes soulful minds/dark side of life Weiter Post-apocalyptic visions - just mind games? When everything is too late, the world lies in ruins and no one knows whether or who has survived. Fallen angels, destroyed cities and the question of life "afterwards". Visions of the unimaginable ... Standing in the Rain Fallen Angel Starke Frauen stehen wieder auf Apocalyptic Dreamtime Woman Solidarity Abgestürzt I Verloren I Vergessen? SHADEE - HINTER DEM SPIEGEL Did you like these pictures? Happy to leave one comment :-). SamaraBlue - Urbexart/
- Kiefern17/Puzzle/Bauwagen/My Way of Art/Urbexart/Dreamtime/Samaras3dart
Seitenanfang Anfang Puzzle Anfang Puzzle Pines 17 - puzzle house/construction trailer Ben Mathis/MaJoBrothers return The facade of the puzzle house in the Kiefernstraße is 2007 in cooperation withBen Mathis with den MaJo Brothers also as part of the (5 times 5 )* Action des Farbfieberverein eV Dusseldorf developed. With this action, in which the last 5 houses were also designed by various well-known street artists, an entire street, 14 houses, had now become a total work of art. A reason for me to look at each of these houses individually and to give them space for their own story. Street Art I Kiefernstraße I Urbex Art I Samara Blue I Ben Mathis Ich habe mich verirrt wie ein verlorenes Schaf; such und finde mich, denn ich habe deine Gebote nicht vergessen. Psalm 119:176 - Wie oft verirren wir uns in den Wirren des Lebens? Verlieren uns in den täglichen Anforderungen? Suchen stumm Hilfe, um einen Hauch unseres Seins wieder zu finden und fest zu halten? Gerade in dieser unwirklichen Zeit ... Street Art I Kiefernstraße I Urbex Art I Samara Blue Photo Art Auch wenn die Fassade und die Bauwagen ein wenig in die Jahre gekommen sind, lässt sich die ursprüngliche Bemalung noch gut zu erkennen. Der Bauwagen passt immer noch ins Gesamtbild. Street Art I Kiefernstraße I Urbex Art I Samara Blue Photo Art The Time before - So abgerockt sah Kiefern 17 aus, bevor es 2007 zur Leinwand für Ben Mathis und die MaJo Brothers wurde. Ein Dankeschön an Joe Henning von den MaJo Brother, der mir dieses "historische Bild" zur Verfügung gestellt hat. Im Vorher/Nachher Vergleich wird die Verwandlung um so deutlicher ... Street Art I Kiefernstraße I Urbex Art I Samara Blue I Ben Mathis Ich habe mich verirrt wie ein verlorenes Schaf; such und finde mich, denn ich habe deine Gebote nicht vergessen. Psalm 119:176 - Wie oft verirren wir uns in den Wirren des Lebens? Verlieren uns in den täglichen Anforderungen? Suchen stumm Hilfe, um einen Hauch unseres Seins wieder zu finden und fest zu halten? Gerade in dieser unwirklichen Zeit ... 1/17 Ben Mathis was responsible for creating the grid and the MaJo Brothers for much of the figurative elements. Gears of different shapes and sizes are alternately distributed with robotic figures in the individual fields. Robotic arms seem to appear from windows, moved by a mechanism invisible to the viewer. The grid, kept in various shades of gray and white, sets clear accents with the intensive orange-red that is also used. On the phone, Ben explained to me when I asked that this color would provide a good contrast to the neighboring house and was used as such. If you look closely, you can see that in the transition area to house no. 19, the elements mix in some places, that there are subtle but well thought-out transitions to the neighboring house. Another way to show togetherness. Ben Mathis has also added a few to ensure that there are not only figures from the MaJo Brothers romping around on the façade. These can be recognized by their more angular shape. Since the construction trailers in front of the house could not/were not allowed to be moved at the time of painting, they were included in the design without further ado. After all, no disturbing foreign bodies should be included in the pictures during the final photo session. But why do you need construction trailers, I first asked myself and then Ben Mathis . At that time these trailers were used as a kind of church. Among other things, contact with the residents should be maintained here. With coffee and sandwiches, the physical well-being was not neglected either. As a visible sign, the Jesus portraits can be found on the front of these trailers. According to rumours, the figurative representation did not really appeal to the clergyman responsible. I haven't been able to research what exactly was wrong with these colorful Jesus pictures for almost 15 years now. Maybe the lamb's look doesn't really look innocent ;-). For me, these trigger a touch of flower power feeling. Unfortunately, I'm still a bit too young for this time to have actively experienced it. But sometimes I regret not being able to experience this feeling live when I was younger. One of the reasons why I am so fascinated by the total work of art on the Kiefernstraße. Krefeld, June 2021 , ,, Telephone interview with Ben Mathis June 21 Add comment: (...) Did you like this report? Feel free to leave a comment :-). You can find the report in here. SamaraBlue - MyWayOfArt/ Continue
- Datenschutz | Urbexart
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- Kiefern/Kernkompetenz Widerstand/My Way of Art/Urbexart/Dreamtime/Streetart
Düsseldorf, Kiefernstrasse - core competency resistance return The unexpected often happens. Or how a tip from a colleague turned into a passion. Since a young colleague was sufficiently aware of my passion for photography, I got the tip in spring 21 to take a look at the colorful street in Flingern-Süd. She also had a photo ready, a rainbow house. Well, as so often, I had my camera with me, the street is not far from the office and so I spontaneously drove to Kiefernstrasse on April 1st, 2021. Dort angekommen war ich ziemlich geflasht von of multiplicity, the color and the multitude of "colorful houses". With what felt like 1001 pictures in my luggage, I came home quite late that working day. But it was worth it. It all started with that first picture. A lot of supposedly special little things only struck me when I was editing the pictures on the PC. But who designed these houses so beautifully and why? Most houses Little by little, I delved deeper into the turbulent history of the Kiefernstraße to find out that there is much more to it than just a few "colorful houses". However, one by one ... Two special streets in Düsseldorf are also making a name for themselves beyond the city limits. The feudal shopping mile Königallee and, so to speak, as an alternative to it, the Kiefernstraße in the Flingern-Süd district, known among other things as the street of artists. The Kiefernstraße owes its degree of fame to the squatting in the 1980s and to its tireless resistance to the modern urban development plans of the city of Düsseldorf. Former squatters still live there today in regular tenancies. In the mid-1980s, Kiefernstrasse was associated with the RAF. Her eventful history coupled with her alternative way of life and her inflexibility towards the city administration give her and the residents of Kiefernstraße a special value. Even beyond the residential area, people identify with life and living in the Kiefernstrasse. This first information taken from "Doc Google" also makes a more intensive look at the entire history of the street extremely interesting for me as a "non-Düsseldorfer". Location: Located on the edge of Flingern-Süd, Kiefernstraße borders on Oberbilk. With the commercial areas and disused industrial plants all around, the Kiefernstraße looks like an island of residential development. Separated from other residential areas by 2 main roads, this street is an approx. 380 m long microcosm in which approx. 800 residents from up to 45 nationalities and the most diverse social affiliations have found a home. In the 19th century With industrialisation, the railway was also introduced in Düsseldorf, an important new means of transport. The first section connected the district of Gerresheim with the former main station at Graf-Adolf-Platz. The route crossed the Erkrather Straße and led over the Kiefernstraße. This was the first railway line in West Germany, the "Düsseldorf-Elberfelder Eisenbahn", which went into operation in 1838. The lower part of today's Kiefernstraße was then called Pfeilstraße. Around 1900 Connected the Kiefernstraße, which at that time was still called Ruhrtalstraße, the municipal gas works with the boiler forges, rolling mills and wire drawing works on Fichtenstraße and in Oberbilk. The Kiefernstrasse was inaugurated on September 30, 1902 to create modern living space close to work. Gradually, the development of company apartments followed. From 1908, the then Cologne company Kaiserstein AG built exemplary small apartments in the middle of the industrial conurbation with around 40,000 workers under the direction of the Düsseldorf architects Rudolf Wilhelm Verheyen and Julius Stobbe 21. The housing, built from a social point of view, should contribute to improving the social situation of the workers and their families . These were properties belonging to the operator of the neighboring boilermaker, Jacque Piedboeuf. Between 1908 and 1910 the houses Kiefern 1 - 37 and Kiefern 6 - 12 were built. The three houses Kiefern 14 - 18 were built by the "Düsseldorfer Bau- und Sparverein" at about the same time under the direction of the architect Fritz Hofmeister. But what exactly do these new social housing units mean? What made them so new and desirable for workers? The building description by the architect Verheyen provides information here. Among other things, he described the need for workers to have housing close to their place of work. Where many people are accommodated in a small space, it is all the more important to consider well thought-out logistics. As an absolute novelty, bathing facilities were made available in the administration buildings. In the basement, showers and tubs were installed in small, closed cells that were available to the tenants for little money. For example, a shower bath cost 5 pfennigs and a bath 10 pfennigs. A caretaker was hired for care and maintenance. Some of the self-contained apartment units had a separate toilet, which was usually behind the apartment entrance. As revolutionary as the new type of housing was, not all apartments had their own toilet. In many houses, several tenants shared a toilet, which was usually located halfway up the stairwell. Obviously not much has changed in this situation to this day. Such an administration house (probably the Düsseldorf company Eisen- und Drahtindustrie) may like the Badehaus in the Kiefernstr. to have been 4 Not particularly conspicuous in the row of houses, so occupiedan old photo from 1906 of its special importance. The picture could have been the opening ceremony of a restaurant or breakfast room. You can see the finely dressed-up tenant or operator family Allekotte, who, in addition to all sorts of physical well-being, also offered accommodation with meals and a shower bath in the courtyard. So everything that one could desire for well-being in the simple framework at that time. The facade of the pines 4 should still be largely preserved. House No. 4 currently houses the "Culture Bureau Pine Street" (K4) . With a revitalization of the Kiefernstraße in 1981, the grocery store run by the elderly Mr. Sobbek experienced an upswing again. For many years he has run this business with two saleswomen and a full range of products. He was able to continue his business for a while until his retirement, when he was greeted with a boozy celebration. Afterwards, the Greek tenants Jannis and Maria continued to run the food trade for a few years with a greatly reduced range. Friendly conversations and sometimes letters kept the good contact with the residents alive. After Jannis found a new field of activity as a pub owner in Bilk, Ricarda ran a kiosk for a while, which over time became a meeting place with outdoor seating whenever the weather permitted. After that, the premises stood empty for a long time. Until the "Kulturbureau Kiefernstraße 4" rented the premises to set up a gallery for exhibitions, readings and various art projects. This work was funded by the cultural office of the city of Düsseldorf. In January 2019, the team changed again. The focus of the old bathhouse was now on the meetings of the residents, for street meetings to continue the fight for affordable housing together. From time to time the premises are also to be used for extracurricular history lessons. So much for the story of the pines 4. The more recent history of the entire Kiefernstrasse is as eventful as it is enduring : After the Klöckner works, as the successor to the Düsseldorf iron and wire industry, closed their rolling mill on Fichtenstraße 40 (today's Zakk) in 1975 and sold them two years later together with the company apartment on Kiefernstraße to the city of Düsseldorf (property office of the city of Düsseldorf), work began like recent history. In 1977 the owner was the municipal housing association Düsseldorf (DÜWOGE), which offered residents a "lure bonus" of 1,000 DM if they would renounce their right to live on this street. Although affordable housing was still scarce, evictions began in 1977. The houses were gradually emptied and prepared for demolition by bricking up the windows and destroying the sanitary facilities. According to plans by the city of Düsseldorf, a new commercial area should be created here. The city council therefore decided in 1978 to formally designate Kiefernstrasse as a redevelopment area. As a result, the houses at Kiefern 7, 9, 35 and 37 were handed over to the social welfare office, which mainly housed African refugees. By 1981, more than 100 apartments had been abandoned by the former residents. However, the housing shortage was still great. In the summer of 1981, the city handed over 50 apartments in 4 buildings to the association "Aktion Wohnungsnot eV", founded in 1972, with the promise to make another 50 apartments available in September 1981. This promise was not kept. As a result, in the fall of 1981, another 50/60 apartments were occupied. Through the intervention of the "Wohnungsnot eV", the city legalized the squatting through usage contracts, but did not want to accept further squatting, since the living space was needed for refugees. In some of these apartments, mainly African refugees were accommodated by the social welfare office. Further occupations followed, against which approached the city with criminal charges of coercion and trespassing, and subsequently lost contact with the city. Together with the neighboring alternative communication center "ZAKK", over 600 signatures were collected from the residents, which were passed on to the city with the demand to rethink urban planning and leave the much-needed living space to the residents. The city didn't move, however. The residents began to organize themselves by means of house meetings and street plans and began to renovate the living space, which had been neglected for many years, on their own initiative. When squats were evicted throughout the city in 1982, some of the affected residents also moved to Kiefernstrasse. Only when the forces in the district council and in the council shifted in the course of local elections in 1984 were contacts with the city administration resumed, albeit hesitantly. Most of the asylum seekers were resettled and the houses at Kiefern 35 and 37 were rented out again. In 1985, the asylum seekers from houses 7 and 9 in Kiefern were also resettled. The following year these houses were also squatted. When RAF member Eva Sybille Haule-Frimpong was arrested at 4:30 p.m. in the Dolomiti ice cream parlor in Rüsselsheim on August 2, 1986, together with 2 residents of Kiefernstrasse, a major raid followed with 800 police officers in fast vehicles. The heavily armed special task force, equipped with visor helmets and bulletproof vests, stormed several apartments. They had waited the whole night before they got the news of the successful arrest in Rüsselsheim. The two companions, aged 23 and 27, were suspected of having been couriers for the Red Army faction and having connections to the militant core of the Düsseldorf squatter scene. After the name and place of residence of the two were known, access was possible. Terror investigators from the Federal Criminal Police Office searched Kiefern 1, where one of the men is said to have lived. As a result, the Kiefernstrasse became the center of attention in Germany. The arrest of Eva Haule and her companions was in connection with the assassination attempt on July 9th, in which the Siemens manager Karl Heinz Beckurts and his driver Eckhard Groppler were murdered. With Ms. Haule-Frimpong was a fully loaded, large-caliber SIG-Sauer pistol, which came from an RAF raid on a gun shop in Masdorf on November 5, 1984, as well as other ammunition and various forged ID cards. No weapons were found during the search of Kiefernstrasse, but vast amounts of documents were found. Over the next year there were repeated raids, demonstrations and large-scale police operations. The pine road was temporarily blocked by the police. By 1988, 6 residents of Kiefernstraße were arrested on suspicion of terrorism. From the then CDU General Secretary Helmut Linssen, the Kiefernstraße in the NRW state parliament as "Zentrum des terrorism in the BR 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ designated. After long debates and renewed squatting, it came about that in 1988 limited rental contracts could be concluded with all residents which were extended 10 years later. When the leases were due to expire in November 2008, the residents were strong again Photo Feb 1988: Werner Gabriel/Hans Jürgen Breuer - Montage: Krebs/Radousi - Permission to publish: Jon Blos Artistic appreciation At the beginning of the new millennium, the artistic upgrading of the Kiefernstraße slowly started. From 2003 the "Kulturbureau Kiefernstraße" began with the artistic implementation of the new house facades. The previously occupied houses with the odd numbers were gradually given a colourful, partly socially critical design in different stages in consultation and with the support of the house residents. The new look should match the flair of the Kiefernstrasse. In 2004 were created by the artist group"color fever" about Klaus Klinger under the motto "More beautiful living on the Kiefernstraße" the houses Kiefern 1 - 5 are colorfully designed. The painting extends from the corner house of Kiefernstraße/Fichtenstraße to the side of Fichtenstraße where the "ZAKK" is located at Fichtenstraße No. 40. In 2008 the "5 times 5" campaign started. Here 5 different houses are again elaborately painted under the aegis of Klaus Klinger. Gradually, the painting took place on the odd houses up to house no. 37. House no. 10 on the even side was painted in 2012 and with the "Afrikahaus" by Karsten Breidenbroich, the last house was painted in 2016. One must not forget the site fence, which is a place for artistic meetings at regular intervals. The special thing about the Kiefernstraße is shown in the fact that the street art and graffiti works of art are largely spared from external scribblings. Since 20 different houses own 20 different stories, you can find them in their numerical order here . At least as far as I can find out. In most houses, one or two pictures are not enough to convey the many pictures in the picture, symbols on the walls and ideas from the artists and residents. For this reason there is a small gallery for each house. At this point I would like to thank the artistKarsten Breidbroich Thank you for the friendly telephone interview, which gave me interesting insights into the "making of" the "Afrikahaus" (Kiefern 12). When looking at the pictures that the photographer Jürgen Wintermantel-Menze gave me permission to use, I have the feeling that I was there myself. The Gallic Village - core competence resistance this is how an article from March 5th, 2019 in Coolibri titled die Kiefernstraße. Because the Kiefernstrasse community sees itself just as defensively when it comes to preserving their living space. Here you will find an insight into the diverse activities of the Kiefernstraße community to preserve their living space, which they fought for with so much commitment: *Planwerkstadt378-HANDELN: CITY THINKING - Invitation to the participation process (... ) *For Social Urban Planning - Poor people get kicked out! No hotel construction (... ) *Flingern Can't be eaten - June 26th, 2019 meeting of the district representatives...(... ) *For A Rebellious City - Peace to the Shacks! War on the palaces! Demo (... ) *Statement on the current developments - protest is worth it! But: (... ) Progressive modern development of the surrounding commercial areas is currently putting the Kiefernstraße under pressure. The desire of various investors and project developers to build micro apartments and hotel complexes in the upper price range in the immediate vicinity has caused massive resistance from the residents of Kiefernstraße . Together with the rest of the district, the people have so far been quite successful in defending themselves against various misplannings in the city. For example, (as of 03/19) 140 student apartments are to be built for Cube Real Estate, both as single apartments and shared flats, as well as a hotel with 280 rooms and a day care center. Yesterday as today, the residents want to ensure that opportunities and space are created for all citizens, especially in their district. It is enormously important to them that not only people with higher incomes, but people from all social classes have adequate living space that they can pay for. Everyone should be able to live according to their preferences. There are no management consultants or lawyers here; artists, craftsmen, physiotherapists and musicians live here. People here know Susie from 12 or Ahmed from 35, the surnames seem to be of secondary importance. A lively neighborhood should be created and maintained, in which people can get to know each other if they like. Accepting each other and offering help when needed. Music and art should also be given space here. The residents want to actively participate in the political and cultural events in their city. They want to be able to determine their own interests. Participation in them important. The Kiefernstraße sees itself as a unique and progressive way of life and an example of functioning social interaction. They reconcile different life preferences and different cultural backgrounds in a socially acceptable way, so to speak. It has been recognized that different cultures and social statuses offer the opportunity to participate in one another. In this way, Kasper Michels, who was one of the first residents of Kieferstrasse, brings the lifestyle of Kiefernstrasse to life even for "non-Düsseldorfers". Its informative city walks he currently runs Corona compliant online. The Kiefern, as the residents of the Kiefernstraße like to call themselves, have an extremely autonomous residential community. Changes to the buildings are decided democratically. When repairs are needed, you first lend a hand before a caretaker is called. If apartments in the Kiefernstraße become available there, the community decides who can move in there. A basic rent for everyone ensures a piece social justice. The Kiefern organizes itself through various committees and working groups. They continue to decide on the design of the house facades. In this very difficult environment, there is a very high level of social competence. They think that people who can afford expensive hotels and apartments would not feel comfortable in this environment. They would be better off in other parts of the city. This is the statement of a resident who lived in Kiefernstraße for 2.5 years in 03/19. According to Kaspar Michels in an interview with Collibri, published March 5th, 2019, the planned large-scale construction projects are harmful to the identity of the entire Flingern district. People have fewer and fewer points of identity and anchor points that connect them with "their" district. It should not be about maximum economic utilization of building land. Rather, it must be ensured that, for example, working-class families can continue to find affordable housing in Düsseldorf. If this were barrier-free, that would also be an improvement, for example. The above resident also considers day-care centers and facilities for refugees and the homeless to be desirable for the pines. In tireless joint work, the residents have now found 3000 like-minded people in a signature campaign in 2019. Apparently, the district council has now given in. There were/are discussions with the parties involved, which were definitely perceived as pleasant and productive. But this story doesn't end there. It will continue to be written... But first, the 40th birthday will be celebrated in August 2021. You can be excited but also be sure that despite Corona, a special event will take place. Krefeld in April 2021 Sources/items: 1.wikipedia, 2.360° tour of Pine Street - Kaspar Michels 3. pines.og 5. 6. Coolibri from 05.03.19 7. "They call is small pairs" - Kaspar Michels Rundgang WAZ from .... 8th RP Online from 08/27/2013 9. WAZ from 16.05.2019 Add comment: (...) Did you like this report? Feel free to leave a comment :-). SamaraBlue - MyWayOfArt/
- Künstlerinfos Down Town Gallery | Urbexart I Street Art
Artist information - Down Town Gallery 2019 return Edgar Müller, Bad Ems - Human dignity is inviolable Home page In Edgar Müller's opinion, our imagination does not suffice to imagine the extent of our struggle for survival. For this reason, our actions and actions are inhuman. We disregard nature and The situation refugees. In order to understand that what people do and/or do nothing ultimately also affects them, there will first have to be a big bang. Many of the global catastrophes are due to human misconduct, caused by greed for profit, materialism and the need for economic growth. Artificial intelligence and the extremely fast-growing information technology that paralyzes free thinking, the Binds people's energy and threatens them with far too much unnecessary information in their natural being, is a sign that "his generation" has failed. It remains to be seen if anything will change. Gregor Wosik, Mönchengladbach - One Wall, Two Worlds Facebook * Instagram * Homepage Gregor Wosik takes up the always topical issue of refugees. He depicts the situation as a parallel world. On the one hand there are the desperate people looking for help, whole families often with small children, who are looking for a way across dangerous oceans to a supposedly better world, on the other hand the sailing regatta, well organized, public , well guarded. Gregor enthusiastically used the partially dilapidated underground to recreate a broken atmosphere with his colors and hands. A closer look reveals the fine details that force me to look more closely. Fabio Fedele, Rovigo, Italy - Unknown Psychodrama Facebook * Instagram Darkness and gloom surround a bright center like a cave. This cave represents evil thoughts, violence and fear. Selfishness, superficiality and uncompromising adherence to ideological and/or religious principles appear frightening and threatening to people. The bright scene in the background with the happy girl playing with animals in a beautifully colored nature, appears in bright light, thus representing good thoughts, love, tolerance, understanding and respecting the environment . The surrounding darkness seems to be overpowering and has a negative effect on us humans. But everyone has the freedom to determine their own behavior. Good thoughts can be a way out, out of the bunker. Actually quite simple. Even when threatening things and actions surround us, we have it in our hands to find the direction into the light, towards love, understanding and justice. Ruben Poncia, Uetrecht, The Netherlands - Reflex Facebook * Instagram * Homepage With this picture, the artist wants to draw attention to the fact that there is still a danger from nationalism and populism. The tiger depicted represents wisdom, mystery and domesticity. He leaves the eagle as a symbol of the Nazis for nationalism and populism. Such a beautiful animal as the eagle, like populism, attracts people, embodies power. But nobody knows when he will attack. Out of his own concern, Ruben wants to draw people's attention to the dangers of nationalistic ideas. He appeals not to forget the consequences, which are sufficiently documented by history, and to be aware of what such slogans can do. The overpoweringly large and aggressively portrayed eagle makes the danger seem very vivid to me. Victor Splash, St. Petersburg, Russia - Alive Surface Facebook * Instagram * Homepage The wall itself is the key element for Victor Splash. He lets himself be guided by the overall environment and wants to steer the visitor into his emotional world when entering the rooms. He perceives the peculiarities of the space made available to him and integrates this into his artwork. Here in the bunker, he is fascinated by the heaviness of the concrete pillars, which he softens into softer, more flexible forms through his 3D representation. In this way he seems to abolish the laws of architecture and construction and transforms himself without violence and aggression thickest walls and structures., Krefeld, Germany - clip open Homepage The graphic designers Sebastian Saffenreuther and Clemens Brück symbolize the idea of protection with the help of brackets. With these brackets you can include or exclude things and/or influences. They connect the inside with the outside, one thinks: "Am I inside or outside? Am I under the protection of the bracket or is it more like a wall that hinders me?" It seems to be a question of one's own perception whether I perceive a situation as positive or negative. It's my decision whether I get involved in a situation and maybe talk to other people about it. Similar to, for example, the intersections in set theory, I capture this work of art with a geometric feeling. Something that has been very familiar and vivid to me since school. They also use colour, form and composition in a playful way. The daylight that falls on the picture at this particular point reinforces the connection between inside and outside. Adry del Rocío, Guadalajara, Mexico - A house to dream of Facebook * Instagram * Homepage The artist from Mexico worries about the difficult living conditions in refugee camps. Can they hope for protection and a more comfortable life? Do they have prospects of a secure future, of a house to dream of? Already in her childhood, the artist was sensitized to this subject by her father. He supported street children in Ecuador, a problem that in Latin America is causing many families to leave their villages due to the drug wars. Her artwork is to be understood as an illusion of a happier, more peaceful world. The intense coloring and happy faces of the children depicted make it easy for me to follow the illusion, for a blink of an eye... Alex Maksiov, Kiev, Ukraine - Shelter Facebook * Instagram * Homepage It depends not only on the person himself whether his head can offer humanity a protective space, but also on his environment. Both have an impact on the situation. The ceiling and floor hold the concrete head captive. It stands for a person who has lost all humanity. This head can no longer offer protection to humanity that defective. But_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ Everyone has to make their own decisions for or against humanity and thus protect their heads from external attacks. This work of art has a disturbing effect on me. I can't grasp it all at once. What is where? Where does it belong? Alex Weigandt, TUBUKU, Krefeld - Last man understanding Facebook * Instagram * Homepage This scene, which depicts a bar, seems dreamily unreal. It stands in stark contrast to the life situation in a bunker during wartime. People, guests with heads made of lightbulbs, these may stand for thoughts and ideas. Alex thinks back to his student days and plays with the transparency of the colors used, creating different lighting situations and exposing his figures to different life situations. In difficult life situations, bars often become a place where you can get help or at least a distraction. Sometimes the visit ends in alcoholic free fall, which many a bartender, as a supposed friend, likes to support. But what is reality? who is my friend Do I have a "real" friend? How necessary are social contacts? ... and where can I find them during the Corona period? For me, this question is particularly explosive at the moment. Maria Kudasheva, St. Petersburg, Russia - Shelter in my head Facebook During the war, a bunker was a protection for the life and limb of the population, but for mutual support it was also a place where one was/was locked up . Are we really free today in peace ? Maria wonders if you don't have your own prison in mind today, walls built around to protect one's mind from the abundance of information and outside influences? Rapid changes make it difficult for us to separate the important from the unimportant. Everything is in constant change. Can we come with you? What helps us keep track? Your plain person appears to be seeking this meditation. iVann Garc, Guanajuato, Mexico - Flexible battle Facebook iVann seemingly reverses the nature of war. With the little dark-skinned girl, his picture embodies the future of minorities. The soldiers, transformed into toys, stand for a possible peace in the world. For iVann, his Jewish great-grandfather, who fled from Berlin to Mexico as a Jew, exerted a strong influence . He knew little of his German family history. Only on his trip to Krefeld, during a street festival, did he find out that his family with the name 'Hirche' was wealthy and well-known in Berlin. What would have become of him if there had been no persecution of the Jews? Again, the nonsensical nature of violence and wars becomes clear, but also the inevitability. A steady cycle of power posturing, greed for profit, intolerance and arrogance. It repeats itself again and again, such as the relationship between the USA and Mexico. Floya Jam, Toulon, France - Le reve de Annabella Facebook Floya Jam posed for her niece in this beautiful color image. The little one plays peacefully and apparently completely relaxed in her own imaginative world. In her mind, butterflies fly freely around her. Floya Jam wants to express hope. Hope for a peaceful coexistence of all people. The sunflower in the background provides the vital light, symbolized by the little girl's peaceful face, which becomes the focal point of the magnificent blossom. The picture evokes calm in me as the viewer, lightness and peace. She describes this painting style, which is typical of Floya Jam, as improvisation in mediative painting flow. Danila Shmelev, Moscow, Russia, Fragility Facebook * Instagram Physical and psychological violence and aggression bother Danila (@SSHHOZZY). Hidden behind shredded paper, cardboard and plastic, an eye tries to find protection and security from just this. But paper offers no protection against these attacks. Danila himself was able to grow up without these bad influences, but he was not spared frightening examples. Achieving success through physical violence and aggression is possible, he says. But that can't be the right way, even though many people experience it every day. I am very touched by this delicately designed picture. It was only during editing that the individual inadequate protective devices became apparent to me layer by layer. Details that I didn't really notice when visiting the gallery. This picture speaks later... BeNer1, garbs, Germany - Bayeza abafana abancane Facebook * Instagram * Homepage Patrik Wolters aka BeNer1 looks back on more than 20 years of development in art and graffiti. For Krefeld, he has taken up the still current problem of political and social injustice in South Africa. Through his time in Johannesburg, where he and his girlfriend took photos in the township and offered a graphic workshop for children, he always stayed connected to the country and its problems. His picture shows there s South African township Gugulethu, which has suffered greatly from apartheid, from the point of view of the residents, not from that of the tourists. The mountains Table Mountain and can be seen in the background of the picture. The situation is framed by the national flower of South Africa, the protea. The main character is a boy with a red crown on his head, a stylistic device used in graffiti art to emphasize something special. This emphasis applies here in the very graphic depiction of a song text from 1989, the end of apartheid: "One man one vote" by Johnny Clepp & Savuka. Carlos Alberto, Guadaljara, Mexico - A future that breathes Facebook A young girl looks proudly and powerfully, still innocently, into a hopeful future. It is meant to symbolize a new generation, more confident than the previous one, in tune with the difficulties of the present and a realistic vision of the future. The beautifully colored birds, individually rather weak and fragile, symbolize the strength that can emanate from a group. Applied to humanity, the desire for togetherness becomes clear here, without differences of origin. Hope for a functioning shelter earth. Unfortunately some of the last pictures are missing. I wasn't able to look at them on the day of my visit. As a result, my report remains incomplete, the story does not find its end, at least not here. I hope to get another chance to look at the missing pictures. Add comment: (...) Did you like this report? Feel free to leave a comment :-). Sources: The information used here comes largely from the documented interviews by Fredda Wouters, which she conducted for the association effective eV with the participating artists for the opening of the Down Town Gallery 2019 in Krefeld. The use of this information for my reporting has been agreed with Ms. Wouters. SamaraBlue - MyWayOfArt/ Continue