Samara Blue - My Way Of Art
Digital art I Creative photography & documentation I Lost Place I Street art
street art - Tiberio Mazzocchi/Italy

Beuys, an Indian, a coyote, more Indians? What might these creatures have in common? Artist info (...)

Annotation: With this artist, too, one can see that he understood the difficult situation of the people on the theater square and that it depresses him, that he considers a visual representation to be necessary, even essential. The title comes from the artist himself.
Artist information Tiberio Mazzoccchi
Tiberio: "KOJOTE Street Art work made in KREFELD (Germany) July 2021freehand drawing Beuys' most emotional performance:
In 1974 the artist was locked in a cage with a coyote in New York for several days. He only has a felt blanket and a stick, which he describes as "Eurasian".
Beuys' goal was to establish a relationship of trust between himself and the animal, a symbol of reconciliation between man and nature, but the work can also be read in a political sense, as a rite of reconciliation between modern-day Americans and their persecuted ancestors and imprisoned on reservations, symbolized by the captive coyote.
In my work entitled "COYOTE" I wanted to draw a parallel to Beuys' work and his political message:the marginalization of Native Americans. So I saw that things have not improved to this day.... the people who routinely roam this place called "The Silk Factory" are vagabonds, desperate, drug addicts....
Marginalized and forgotten by society, just like the Native American tribes of North America were persecuted and marginalized."
Source: Tiberio Mazzochi FB page/personal
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Tiberio is a Maestro Madonnaro and musician who studied art and music in Milan. He plays classical guitar and violin and has enchanted audiences with street paintings at festivals in Italy, Germany and the USA. He has won numerous prizes and awards. He received the title of Maestro Madonnaro in Grazie di Curtatone in 2017, after having already won the categories Semplici (Easy Madonnari) in 2013, and Qualificati (Qualified Madonnari) in 2017 with first place. He also won the audience award as the highest award at the International Madonnari Festival Kevelaer in 2019.
Source: official information from the city of Krefeld
You can find the newspaper report here(...)
SamaraBlue - MyWayOfArt/lady-sahmra-photo@gmx.de